Thursday, September 20, 2018

Property Tax Fairness Initiative

The Property Tax Fairness Initiative  

Key Facts About Unfair Moving Penalty


The Property Tax Fairness Initiative eliminates the moving penalty to protect seniors (55+) and severely disabled people who want to move to safer, more practical homes or closer to their families This initiative limits the property tax penalties they could face if they purchase another home in any county of the state while still ensuring they pay their fair share of property taxes. 

California Association of REALTORS: (CAR)

Says you probably know of  a senior citizen who lives in a home that no longer firs his / her needs but can't afford to move because of a massive property tax moving penalty. Your brothers, sisters, parents and grandparents shouldn't be barred from downsizing or relocating to be close to family because they cannot afford the property tax increase which could be anywhere from 100 % to 200 % or more. 

Similarly, severely disabled people may live in homes that are no longer safe or practical for them. Buying a more suitable home is often impossible because they face significant property tax increases when they move. 
Disaster victims like those affected by the massive Northern Ca. wildfires and Santa Barbara mudslides have arbitrary and limited protections. Disaster victims, too, face a moving penalty if they choose to move outside their disaster-torn county. 

11 of 58 Counties: 

The current law requires severely disabled people, seniors and victims of natural disasters to navigate a confusing patchwork of county laws. Severely disabled people and seniors can currently transfer their tax base when they move, but only once and only within their own county or in 11 California's 58 counties that specifically allow it. With Proposition passing, disaster victims and senior citizens will now have the opportunity to find a new home anywhere in the state. for more information:  CApropertyTaxFairness.Com 

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